
Hi! My name is Annie and I’m a Denver interior designer. I’ve been passionate about how our interior environment affects our mental state ever since I can remember. As far back as middle school, I was dragging furniture around my room to make the space feel fresh again and giving very clear, specific instructions to my parents on the colors I wanted my walls (accent wall and all!)

Annie Pagano, Owner

Annie Pagano

Owner, Lead Designer

Nothing fulfills me more than being able to support a client in developing their dream vision for their home and then following through to make that a reality. I love bold colors and mixing metals and materials but also love the challenge and result of a minimalist zen surrounding.

While I specialize in residential renovations and remodels in the greater Denver area and foothills, I also have worked with small to medium size office spaces to help them grow and accommodate new employees. I’ve found that the key to a successful project is a strong, trusting relationship which is why I value transparency and open communication throughout every step of the process.

A Little More About Me...

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I grew up in Connecticut and have lived in Colorado for 15 years (!). Since the first time I stepped foot in Denver at 17, I knew I was meant to live here. If a place can be a soulmate, Colorado is definitely mine.

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I graduated with a business degree from the University of Denver and later attended the Heritage School of Interior Design in RiNo.

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I’ve always been a risk taker when it comes to personal style and interior design. I beat to the tune of my own drum and love connecting with people who feel the same way.

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Winter is my favorite season! You can catch me skiing and watching hockey all winter long. Go avs, go pios!

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