RiNo Primary

When this married couple approached us to redesign their primary bedroom in RiNo, Denver, we were ecstatic at their request for a “cozy, sexy” design with the only “restriction” being no boring white walls! The first selection was the incredible crocodile wallpaper paired with aubergine walls. Because of the sloped ceiling, we just had to get that painted which adds an extra layer of luxury.

With new blackout window shades, a new nightstand, additional nightside lighting and a lot of styling improvements throughout, the space came together like a dream.


  • Full service residential design (of one room)
  • Furniture package
  • Lighting package
  • Styling and accessorizing
  • Location

    RiNo, Denver, CO

  • Style

    Sensual, cozy bedroom

  • Budget


  • Design Type

    Residential renovation

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